Green Leaf Plant

Houseplants are a reminder that life is full of growth and renewal.

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Vine Border


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Vine Border

Meet Michele - Your Expert in Plant Propagation and Care

Michele has a wealth of experience in growing and caring for a wide variety of plants. Her greenhouse is home to an assortment of succulents and house plants, while her garden boasts an array of ornamental plants, flowers, and vegetables. Her passion for up-cycling has led her to thrift for unique containers, craft macramé plant holders, and build wooden planters. Michele's upcoming events are not to be missed if you're looking for reasonably priced plants, pots, trays, and handmade goods.

Upcoming Events

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Vine Border

Landscape Consultations

Vine Border
Vine Border

Landscaping is an art that requires creativity, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of plants and the environment. As a landscaping consultant, Michele takes pride in creating outdoor spaces that are not only beautiful but also functional and sustainable. Whether you are looking to create a relaxing oasis in your backyard, design a welcoming entrance to your business, or add some curb appeal to your home, Michele can help. Please reach out if you would like to schedule a consultation to discuss your vision, needs, and budget.

Nurture your houseplants, and they will nurture you in return.

Michele Shearer

Omaha, NE 68105

(402) 968-0002

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